While stock last!
Postage Fee for DAINTY
1 ~ 5 Masks - S$1
06 ~ 15 Masks - S$2.05
16 ~ 30 masks - S$3.05
31 ~ 45 masks - $3.95
45 masks & above - please email me personally for the postage fees.
Registered Fee S$2.25 (Optional - On top of normal postage fees)
Self-Collection only available at MRT Station below:
Raffles Place/ City Hall/ Dhoby Ghaut/ Somerset/ Orchard/ Tanjong Pagar/ Bugis/ Newton/ Novena/ Toa Payoh/ Braddel (Time and Date to be advised accordingly)
Pleas see Ordering and Payment details:
Postage Fee for EGF CRYSTAL COLLAGEN Eye Mask:
1 ~ 5 Masks - S$0.80
06 ~ 15 Masks - S$1.50
16 ~ 30 masks - S$2.00
31 ~ 45 masks - $2.55
45 masks & above - please email me personally for the postage fees, however i suggest meet-up for collection,
Registered FeeS$2.25 (Optional - On top of normal postage fees)
Self-Collection only available at MRT Station below:
Raffles Place/ City Hall/ Dhoby Ghaut/ Somerset/ Orchard/ Tanjong Pagar/ Bugis/ Newton/ Novena/ Toa Payoh/ Braddel (Time and Date to be advised accordingly)
Postage Fee for EGF 4th GEN COLLAGEN Eye Mask:
1 ~ 5 Masks - S$0.80
06 ~ 15 Masks - S$1.50
16 ~ 30 masks - S$2.00
31 ~ 45 masks - $2.55
45 masks & above - please email me personally for the postage fees, however i suggest meet-up for collection,
Registered FeeS$2.25 (Optional - On top of normal postage fees)
Self-Collection only available at MRT Station below:
Raffles Place/ City Hall/ Dhoby Ghaut/ Somerset/ Orchard/ Tanjong Pagar/ Bugis/ Newton/ Novena/ Toa Payoh/ Braddel (Time and Date to be advised accordingly)
Postage Fee for EGF/ SHISEIDO
1 ~ 5 Masks - S$0.80
06 ~ 15 Masks - S$1.50
16 ~ 30 masks - S$2.00
31 ~ 45 masks - $2.55
45 masks & above - please email me personally for the postage fees, however i suggest meet-up for collection,
Registered FeeS$2.25 (Optional - On top of normal postage fees)
Self-Collection only available at MRT Station below:
Raffles Place/ City Hall/ Dhoby Ghaut/ Somerset/ Orchard/ Tanjong Pagar/ Bugis/ Newton/ Novena/ Toa Payoh/ Braddel (Time and Date to be advised accordingly)
Products are all manufactured in year 2009, expired in year 2012.
Recommended by 女人我最大. 牛尔推荐
资生堂矿物泥去黑头粉刺面膜 / 美白修护面膜软膜膏/ Naturgo天然泥美白面膜 - 12g/张
*One pack 12g : 2-3 times usage
1. SHISEIDO White Mask:
For whitening and cleansing effects!
Made in Shiseido
* 蕴含一种有效对抗皮肤老化及色素沉著的独特成分。
* LAG Revitalizer,能迅速渗透肌皮基层,有效帮助肌肤保持水分及养分,具有改善黑斑、雀斑、粉刺、粗毛孔,减少面部细纹,促进皮肤本身骨胶原再生,令弹性回复,肌肤娇嫩动人。
2) SHISEIDO Black Mask
Remove blackheads in just 20 to 30 mins!Made in Shiseido
* 本软膜膏是SHISEIDO最新科技研制而成的独特成份,有效地对粉刺皮肤起显著疗效,能渗透皮肤和快速拔除面部的黑头,并可紧肤拉皮,收缩粗大毛孔,排除面部热毒达到美白滋养肌肤功效。
3. SHISEIDO Naturgo Mask: (
2 in 1 effects from Black and White Masks!
Originate from deep sea mud, include rich minerals & natural essence.
Able to clean pores thoroughly, balancing oil secretion, suppress and lighten pigmentation, achieving whitening effects. Long term usage promotes skin revitalization.
It has the benefits of deep pore cleansing, removing dirt and impurities, minimizing breakouts, whitening and lightening pigmentation.
The mask contains a compound LAG Revitalizer which has whitening, revitalizing and anti-aging effects.The LAG Revitalizer can penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, allowing the skin to maintain moisture and nutrients.It fights against dark spots, sun spots, black heads & whiteheads, and pimples, reducing pore size, reducing wrinkles, enhancing skin collagen regeneration, renewing elasticity, resulting in soft and smooth skin.
1. Suitable for sensitive skin.
2. Minimizes Pores
3. Removes dead skin and leaves skin extremely smooth and fresh!
4. Controls oil and sebum secretion. Suitable for oily - combination skin!
每包可分三至四次使用,去除鼻子黑头,面部粉刺, 美白
* 采用意大利阿尔卑斯山产的天然泥超微粒子美白成份及精华温泉水,有效镇定肌肤,避免肌肤因日晒,化妆残品的浸蚀,同时有效美白肌肤。长期使用,可充分清除皮肤毛孔内污垢,油脂黑头及老化枯死的古角质,让肌肤呈现出晶莹剔透感。
o Do not apply on areas near to your eyes, eyebrow and lips
o Can apply on areas such as T-Zone, Chin, Cheek and Forehead
o Wait around 30 minutes for the applications to be completely dry before wash off / peeling off the masks
o Apply toner and moisturizer / moisture mask for best results after usage.
o For remaining liquid on your hand, wipe it off with dry tissue paper.
o Can use the entire pack for the whole face (1 time application).
o Note: Try to remove the masks from the bottom so that it will not hurt the skin.
Postage Fee for EGF/ SHISEIDO
1 ~ 5 Masks - S$0.80
06 ~ 15 Masks - S$1.50
16 ~ 30 masks - S$2.00
31 ~ 45 masks - $2.55
45 masks & above - please email me personally for the postage fees, however i suggest meet-up for collection,
Registered FeeS$2.25 (Optional - On top of normal postage fees)
Self-Collection only available at MRT Station below:
Raffles Place/ City Hall/ Dhoby Ghaut/ Somerset/ Orchard/ Tanjong Pagar/ Bugis/ Newton/ Novena/ Toa Payoh/ Braddel (Time and Date to be advised accordingly)
Pleas see Ordering and Payment details:
Postage Fee for SHISEIDO Whitening Essence Mask:
1 ~ 5 Masks - S$1.20
06 ~ 15 Masks - S$2.05
16 ~ 30 masks - S$3.05
31 ~ 45 masks - $4.05
45 masks & above - please email me personally for the postage fees.
Registered Fee S$2.25 (Optional - On top of normal postage fees)
Self-Collection only available at MRT Station below:
Raffles Place/ City Hall/ Dhoby Ghaut/ Somerset/ Orchard/ Tanjong Pagar/ Bugis/ Newton/ Novena/ Toa Payoh/ Braddel (Time and Date to be advised accordingly)
Pleas see Ordering and Payment details: